October 14, 2011

Feature: Green Siren in Black Leather... and Silver - Judith Nemes

Judith Nemes in MarLa studio - literally.
I must celebrate the official beginning of leather jacket season with this image of Judith Nemes.  One day last spring she landed in my studio. I say landed, because her superhero energy indicates she may just be able to fly.

Judith Nemes is a journailst, photographer, professor, and vigilant champion of all things environmentally protective and green. I dub her my "Green Siren". Not only is she wicked smart and true to her cause, she's full of female awesomeness and beauty. Strong but searching, determined but questioning, pushing for change and transformation but accepting her many divided roles gracefully - she's all that, and so much more. SO - run now - and read her latest article - the TOP news story in TODAY'S Crains Chicago Business.

No coincidence she is wearing "With all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might" with the "Keepsake Heart",  combined with the framed "Prutah Coin". 
The Prutah Coin is from c. 70 ad. and was struck by the Israelites in rebellion to Roman rule. I frame them in copper backed with sterling silver.

Rebel, but all heart. 

Beyond honored - she sent me the most touching validation:
"I feel like something powerful happened to me today. Our rambling conversation dipped into some corners of my life that have been dormant for a long time, and now they've been stirred again, awakened, and I'm thinking about them in a new and more thoughtful light. Thank you for that. 
You have a wise and gentle spirit.
Meeting you turned out to be about much more than jewelry ... or was that obvious?"
Wow.  So honored to be among your "Super Friends". 


  1. I am humbled by your words, my dear. In fact, I'm wearing both those pieces right now. As a talisman, of sorts.

    Don't be surprised if you get calls from Berkeley, where I am right now. Or Seattle. Where I'm going on Monday.
